For purpose of a project, I created a project in QGIS - aerophoto base and 3 layers. It works perfect on my computer, but if I save it on CD, the project doesent work on any other computer... I saved all data for layers & project works from CD, but only on computer, where it was created.
How can I save it, so it will be working on other comps, since I have to distribute this project to other partners?
I am using windows and QGIS 1.8.0. Lisboa
EDIT & MORE INFO: my project is aerophoto based with one raster and 2 vector layers. It works on my comp (where QGIS 1.8.0 Lisboa is installed).
Now I need to put it on USB (and few on CD), so I can take to my menthor and cooperants to see it... I copied all data (those are in same folder), I downloaded the QGIS Lisboa (.exe file) so everyone can install it. Now all is on usb. It works on my computer, where this was created. But when I try to see it on laptop (after installing QGIS), it serves me with error (runtime error) - same on my friend computer.
Proposal to make a USB option of qgis is nice, I am in a process of trying, but i suspect there is something else, because error is reported.
if possible, step by step solution, because I am comp analphabet actually :(