I've had a good look around the site and haven't been able able to find any 'select by attribute' questions regarding string variables and how to integrate them into an SQL statement. In my particular case I have used a search cursor to create a variable but cannot find a way to use that variable in the select by attributes tool. Below is an example of one of the many ways I have tried to select the variable.
The variable I've mentioned (point_id) is the string EDRN_044851.
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("feature_layer11")
for row in rows:
point_id = row.getValue("DRN_update")
arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("EDRN_NODE", "feature_layer15")
arcpy.SelectLayerByAttribute_management ("feature_layer15", "NEW_SELECTION", '\"LCC_DRN_ID\" = {0}'.format(point_id))
desc1 = arcpy.Describe("feature_layer15")
shapefieldname1 = desc1.ShapeFieldName
rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("feature_layer15")
for row in rows:
feat = row.getValue(shapefieldname1)
pnt = feat.getPart()
pnt_x = pnt.X
pnt_y = pnt.Y