I'm not sure this is necessarily an issue with the CMV as much as it is with how I may have the proxy configured. I'm not sure exactly what to ask so I'll start with describing the symptom. When I am zoomed to a full extent and have few features being rendered the print widget generates a pdf just fine. When I'm zoomed in and many features are rendered the print widget generates an error.
Is this a result of the url length and the proxy coming in to play?
The error is:
POST http://myurl/myfolder/proxy/proxy.ashx?http://myurl2/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%20Task/execute 500 (Internal Server Error)
When I copy and paste the url in my browser the export web map task opens fine, through the proxy.
I have <serverUrl url="http://myurl2" matchAll="false"/>
in proxy.config. The error message in the stack says ""Error: Unable to load proxy/proxy.ashx?http://myurl2/arcgis/rest/services/Utilities/PrintingTools/GPServer/Export%20Web%20Map%20Task/execute status: 500." Should this show the full url to the proxy?
I have 2 operational layers, one of which has a minimum scale defined. I noticed that the print works fine until the the minimum scale is reached on that layer. Once the minimum scale is reached, the error above is thrown. If you zoom out beyond that scale, the error is thrown until you refresh the page. I replaced my operational layer that had the minimum scale with one that that didn't (the same feature class) and the print works fine. I'm curious if this is expected (can others duplicate this) and what I might do to resolve it?