Copied an SDE feature class (with blob(sdebinary(?) geom) into the same SDE GDB (Oracle 11g/SDE 9.3.1) but with the ST_geometry configuration keyword. I can see that the feature class was created, all the fields come across fine, I can query it with st_geom functions etc., BUT in ArcMap, ArcCatalog, the features don't draw. (*note that when selected I can see the outline of the shape just fine) When I remove the spatial index the features draw, add the spatial index back, poof no draw. It would seem that ArcGIS cannot create a functional spatial index of my ST_Geometry features.
These look related. For your disappointment, I haven't found a solution to this one so far.– George SilvaCommented Jul 6, 2011 at 19:04
I figured it out but as a noob I can't answer my own question (for a few more hours). The answer is outlined by ESRI here.– Random Geo guyCommented Jul 6, 2011 at 19:33
if this solves my problem too...oh...oh– George SilvaCommented Jul 7, 2011 at 16:50
1 Answer
I guess I should have read the documentation here:
The solution was an Oracle 'create index' query a la:
create index sa_idx on st_parks(shape)
indextype is sde.st_spatial_index
parameters('st_grids=1000 st_srid=5');
Ran into a 'maximum number of grids per feature' exceeded error, and then realized that the grid size is a function of the measurement unit of the spatial reference. So by originally passing in st_grids=1 (like the documentation) it was creating a 1 foot spatial index grid...and yeeeah...that was a little excessive.
Hopefully Esri will fix their create spatial index tool to accommodate Oracle.