I'm new at GIS. I'm using ArcGIS 10.2.2 and trying to geocode some addresses. I used a geocoding service which gave the coordinates in this format:
POINT(102778.307715144 105888.168842117)
I don't know how to handle that, so I tried the Convert Coordinate Notation tool, but it throws me an error: output file already exists and it cannot be overwritten (the issue must be other since the file doesn't really exists).
By the way, I tried to convert that to GCS_WGS_1984
, which is the coordinate system I always use.
Any clue?
The address is located in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Regarding the geocoding service, I can't give more details because it's an application downloaded from a goverment's site, and I didn't find any documentation there.
I also used other common projections used in Argentina to show the x y values, but it didn't work.
What happened is that the City of Buenos Aires has a custom projected system. I downloaded some public shapefiles and there I got the exact information, so I used that data to draw the x y coordinates, then transformed it into a feature class, and then used the project tool to convert it to WGS_1984.