How to animated feature marker in openlayers like in google map example of bouncing marker. I'm new in openlayers so if you have a sample code much better.
I want to move a marker with animation from one location to another smoothly in openlayer. There is a sample: But this has a polyline coordinates which consist of different characters. I want to move a marker with animation from one location (lat1,lon1) to new place (lat2,lon2) . I haven't find this for weeks. Pls help me.– AliCommented Oct 3, 2016 at 14:08
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2 Answers
You might use SVG symbols, like in this example:
or a simple moving marker:
The source files should be self-explaining.
I don't know if it is the right answer but this trick solve mine. I create a GIF (bouncing marker) then change the icon of existing marker (JPG) to GIF icon then adjust the size and offset. This my sample code.
var size = new OpenLayers.Size(w,h); // new height
var offset = new OpenLayers.Pixel(-(size.w/2), -size.h); // new offset
marker.setUrl("new_GIF_image_path"); //set new GIF icon path
marker.icon.setSize(size); // set new size
marker.icon.offset=offset; // set new offset
markers.redraw(); // redraw layer markers
If you have an easy or other answer let me know.