We're currently using MapInfo & MapBasic to analyze daily tests results for planning purposes.For each test,exported result may contain empty values (say 999,we know Mapinfo has no NULL values),so we decided to maintain each result (by point values) by averaging and cleaning empty results for each parameters inside a square(piece of grid),that way results may not repeat at the same coordinates and separation of empty values.(Or you can say get results by grid where each grid contain how many points and joining results for each cell by averaging)
In this scenario,firstly we thought about creating these grids via gridmaker.mbx which is free tool for Mapinfo,but when the area is too large or the cell size is too small or even if grid maker has no chance to imply our algoritm that like in the following
We approach this problem by creating rectangles by 10 to 5000 meter values which are square cell sizes,and insert these values onto these tests via MBR or Convex polygon objects by checking out whether cell intersects these generated object from test.
The problem starts here even if we process these cells,generating results may last weeks,months even.So my question is likely in the title,so i ask a different and easy way to approach this problem.
Solutions,scenarios,algorithms you answer may not be solved only in mapinfo,but other tools as well.