I'm having some trouble connecting ideas on how to solve a problem. What I have is a shapefile from which I have to extract from one field, which contains 3 types of attributes (BS, RS, BRN). For each of those attributes, I've created separate feature classes.
I short, attributes have to go to their specific designation e.g. BS values go to feature BS, RS values etc.
My first guess is that I have to use Cursors to do it, but in this case I have to use both Search and Insert and how would I do that?
Would it make sense a start such as this?
import arcpy
shape = "D:/M1 Geomatique/Programmation II/Dossier/ZONE_INONDATION_SYNTHESE_67.shp"
gdb = "D:/M1 Geomatique/Programmation II/Dossier/inondation.gdb"
field = "CODE_DEGRE" #field name from which to search data
entite1 = "rs"
entite2 = "bs"
entite3 = "brn"
rows = arcpy.InsertCursor(gdb)
cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(shape)
Perform a loop start with a SearchCursor followed by an InsertCursor: e.g.
with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(sourceFC,fieldnames) as sCur:
with arcpy.da.InsertCursor(targetFC,fieldnames) as iCur:
Above is just an example I've picked up on stackexchange
How would you advise me to tackle this problem?