I need to get a value from an IObject.Fields.Field using ArcObjects 10.x using the criteria listed below:

  1. If the field has a subtype associated with it, I need to get the subtype name/description based on the field value.

  2. If the field has a coded value domain associated with it, I need to get the domain's name/description based on the field value.

  3. If the field has neither a subtype or domain associated with it, I want the field value itself returned.

  4. Having this functionality wrapped up in one call like "ReadFieldValue(IObject obj, int fieldIndex) is preferred.

1 Answer 1


Below is what I came up with:

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets the field value from the IObject.  Checks for coded
    /// value domains, subtypes, or just the plain field value.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="obj">ESRI IObject</param>
    /// <param name="fieldIndex">Field index for the IObject.Fields.Field</param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    internal static object ReadFieldValue(IObject obj, int fieldIndex, bool ignoreDescription = false)
        object fieldValue = null;

        if (obj != null && fieldIndex > -1)
            /// Default to the field value first,
            /// overwrite it if a subtype or domain
            /// is found.
            fieldValue = obj.Value[fieldIndex];
        if (fieldValue != DBNull.Value && ignoreDescription == false)
            ISubtypes subtypes = obj.Class as ISubtypes;
            IRowSubtypes rowSubtypes = obj as IRowSubtypes;
            IField2 field = obj.Fields.Field[fieldIndex] as IField2;

            // Set the appropriate domain based on the subtype if a subtype exists.
            IDomain domain = null;
            if (field != null)
                if (subtypes != null && subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex > -1)
                    domain = subtypes.get_Domain(rowSubtypes.SubtypeCode, field.Name);
                    domain = field.Domain;

            // Check for a subtype field first
            if (subtypes != null && rowSubtypes != null && subtypes.SubtypeFieldIndex == fieldIndex)
                fieldValue = subtypes.get_SubtypeName(rowSubtypes.SubtypeCode);
            // If it is not a subtype field, check for a domain field
            else if (domain != null)
                ICodedValueDomain2 cvDomain = domain as ICodedValueDomain2;
                if (cvDomain != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < cvDomain.CodeCount; i++)
                        if (cvDomain.get_Value(i).Equals(fieldValue))
                            fieldValue = cvDomain.get_Name(i);
        return fieldValue;
  • What's wrong with this? It looks fine to me. You can get the domains from the ISubtypes, but only if the feature/object class has a subtype to begin with. Commented Jul 2, 2015 at 2:47
  • I assumed nothing was wrong with this approach, but you never know if something better exists. :)
    – Tim Sexton
    Commented Jul 2, 2015 at 17:11

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