I'm trying to calculate pairwise river distance among 60 XY coordinates in a small region of Mexico with ArcMap 10.2.2. I have defined my projections and projected both my stream network and XY coordinate layers as projected coordinates using the NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_14N since the entire area that I am looking at falls within zone 14 as far as I can tell. I followed all the steps to start a new feature data set, imported my river network and XY layer, built a new network data set, etc. All of that seems to be fine. But when I use the Point Distance tool, specifying my XY layer as the input field and the near objects (since I want the distance between all possible combinations of my points), it always gives me decimal degrees. I also changed the Display setting in the Layer Properties to Kilometers, but that didn't help. I've tried starting from scratch with a blank map, and projecting everything in projected coordinates, but still no luck.
How do I get Point Distance to give KM or miles rather than decimal degrees?