I am working with a Basic license of ArcMap 10.3, and I am trying to split a feature class into multiple feature classes in a geodatabase by unique values of an attribute. More specifically, I have a feature class of locations of 78 different species, and I want to create individual feature classes for each species. I have put together some code that I have found in various places (including here), and I can get it to create all the feature classes with all the fields, but each one is empty, and I can't figure out why. I am very new to arcpy and coding in general.
# Reads the feature class for different values in the attribute
cursor = arcpy.SearchCursor(inFC)
row = cursor.next()
attribute_values = set([])
strAtt = "ELCODE_BCD"
print strAtt
while row:
row = cursor.next()
# Output a Shapefile for each different attribute
for each_attribute in attribute_values:
# Check to see if FC exists
strEmptyFC = "each_attribute"
print "Checking to see if feature class exists..."
if arcpy.Exists(strEmptyFC) :
print strEmptyFC + " exists."
print "Creating feature class..."
outFC = strWS + "\\" + each_attribute
print outFC
arcpy.Select_analysis (inFC, outFC, "'%s' = 'each_attribute'" %strAtt)
del strWS, inFC, cursor, row, attribute_values
I think it has to do with the where clause in the select statement.