I'm having trouble with CAD drawings not projecting correctly within ArcMap 10.2. I am working in NAD 1983 State Plane Illinois East FIPS 1201 (US Feet) and want my CAD drawing to be located in the city of Chicago near my other layers.
Below are the three scenarios I've tried.
1.) I've opened ArcMap, added an existing shapefile whose coordinate system is NAD_1983_StatePlane_Illinois_East_FIPS_1201_Feet. I checked my Data Frame propeties, and it is also this coordinate system. I saved my map, closed it and opened ArcCatalog. In ArcCatalog, I tried to "define projection" for my CAD drawing. I set this to NAD_1983_StatePlane_Illinois_East_FIPS_1201_Feet. However, when I import this layer into ArcMap, it is floating in Missouri. I right clicked, opened the properties and it reads "Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Illinois_East_FIPS_1201_Feet"
2.) In AutoCAD Map 3d, I open the CAD drawing. I chose "Map Setup">"Coordinate System">"Assign". I then navigated to USA, Illinois and chose "IL83-EF" with the decription "NAD 83 Illinois State Plane, East Zone, US Foot". I save this and add the CAD file to my ArcMap document. It is also floating in Missouri but reading "Projected Coordinate System: NAD_1983_StatePlane_Illinois_East_FIPS_1201_Feet".
3.) I had a technical call with ESRI, and the support tech advised me to do the following. In ArcMap, I add the CAD drawing (with no coordinate system applied) to the map, execute the "CAD to Geodatabase" Conversion tool. Within this dialogue box, the tech asked me to clikc on the "Spatial Reference" tab at the bottom. I chose this, and was then instructed to search for "Ohio" and choose the north state plane zone. This function adds a point, polyline, polygon and annotation layer to my GDB. However, if I right click and choose "Zoom to Layer", I am again brought to Missouri. However, there is no layer visible.
I am wondering if anyone has experience with CAD files not projecting correctly? Is this normal, and will I just have to use the "shift" in the Georeference toolbar? I am also very curious to know if th