I'm trying to get a list of all layers in an ArcSDE database hosted in oracle

here is the command I'm using:

ogrinfo -al SDE:localhost,5151,sde,sde,sde

Note: I've replace the database, username and password values with sde

When I execute the above I get the following message:

Unable to open datasource `SDE:localhost,5151,sde,sde,sde
Following drivers.
  -> OCI
  -> SOSI
  -> ESRI Shapefile
  -> MapInfo File
  -> UK .NTF
  -> SDTS
  -> TIGER
  -> S57
  -> DGN
  -> VRT
  -> REC
  -> Memory
  -> BNA
  -> CSV
  -> NAS
  -> GML
  -> GPX
  -> KML
  -> GeoJSON
  -> Interlis 1
  -> Interlis 2
  -> GMT
  -> GPKG
  -> SQLite
  -> ODBC
  -> WAsP
  -> PGeo
  -> MSSQLSpatial
  -> OGDI
  -> PostgreSQL
  -> MySQL
  -> OpenFileGDB
  -> XPlane
  -> AVCBin
  -> AVCE00
  -> DXF
  -> Geoconcept
  -> GeoRSS
  -> GPSTrackMaker
  -> VFK
  -> PGDump
  -> OSM
  -> GPSBabel
  -> SUA
  -> OpenAir
  -> PDS
  -> WFS
  -> HTF
  -> AeronavFAA
  -> Geomedia
  -> GFT
  -> GME
  -> SVG
  -> CouchDB
  -> Idrisi
  -> SEGY
  -> XLS
  -> ODS
  -> XLSX
  -> ElasticSearch
  -> PDF
  -> Walk
  -> CartoDB
  -> SXF

I'm assuming that since SDE isn't in the list that is the problem.

Any idea of how to add this support?

according to http://www.gdal.org/drv_sde.html

It isn't compiled by default and requires the ArcSDE drivers

I'm unsure how to install this correctly

  • looks like I do need to include the ArcSDE Libraries: trac.osgeo.org/gdal/wiki/ArcSDE however no windows instructions are provided I need to figure out how to get the arcSDE C library from ESRI as well Dec 28, 2015 at 21:10
  • I have the same problem, did you ever find a solution?
    – Ralph
    Mar 4, 2016 at 16:52
  • Yeah I think you are out of luck unless you get a copy of the esri dlls Mar 4, 2016 at 17:06

1 Answer 1


You don't need to compile GDAL to get SDE support. Detailed instructions how to do this are provided in the answer to the question Get GDAL up and running with ArcSDE enabled. You just need access to the server where you are running ArcSDE.

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