I'm using OpenLayers 3 and GeoServer to create a spatial web application in which I want to enable users to choose a colour ramp (using Colorbrewer) and a number of breaks for styling an attribute in their analysis layer (i.e. to style a choropleth). I have been able to get this working by dynamically generating an SLD XML string and passing it in as the value to the SLD_BODY parameter in the TileWMS source, but only with 3 breaks/classes. When I select 4 or more classes nothing is returned and I believe the issue is that the SLD becomes too long for the OpenLayers TileWMS GET request. I have read a variety of posts that explain you can do a POST request in OpenLayers 2 to get around this issue, but I haven't found anything on how to do this using OpenLayers 3. Only a response in this post hints at a solution, but it's not enough for me to work out an answer. The following is how I'm currently defining the layer and adding the SLD. Does anyone know how to get around character limit with the OpenLayers 3 GET request by using POST instead?
window.layer = new ol.layer.Tile({
source: new ol.source.TileWMS({
url: 'http://' + window.location.hostname + ':8080/geoserver/wms',
params: {LAYERS: geoserverLayer, STYLES: undefined, SLD_BODY: sld, CQL_FILER: geoserverFilter, TILED: true},
serverType: 'geoserver'