I am a bit new when it comes to Python programming.
I'm trying to run the GRASS r.sun plugin tool to calculate the global irradiance for my chosen area for the whole year. The problem is that r.sun calculates the irradiance for a day. The GRASS program isn't an option for me becouse it doesn't work properly on my computer.
So the solution that I am looking for is a script that puts every number from 1 to 365 into the tool and makes a .tif raster result with the number of the day in its name. The numbers that have to change are in bold.
Basically this but in python:
Example of script taken from History:
import processing
elev_raster = "C:\Qgis_proj\data\DSM.tif"
aspect_raster = "C:\Qgis_proj\pod\aspect.tif"
slope_raster = "C:\Qgis_proj\pod\slope.tif"
irradiance_raster = "C:\GRASS\results\glob_irr_1.tif"
processing.runalg("grass7:r.sun",elev_raster, aspect_raster, slope_raster,None,None,None,None,None,None,1,0.5,0,1,False,False,"454999.5,457000.5,95999.5,98000.5", 0,None,None,None,None, irradiance_raster)