I'm trying to build a PostGIS database which must be able to store (multi)points, (multi)linestrings and (multi)polygons. The goal is to efficiently querying the data with ST_Intersects and other related functions.

My first look was at GeometryCollection. I thought that was tailor-made for my needs, i thought i'll just dump various geometry types to a GeometryCollection, create an index and forget about it. Well, then i realized that ST_Intersects does not support GeometryCollection.

So my plan B is to store each data type independently in a column (with indexes of course) and query the database using OR clauses for each data type column like:

WHERE (ST_Intersects(a_geometry, point_geometry) OR ST_Intersects(a_geometry, linestring_geometry) OR ST_Intersects(a_geometry, polygon_geometry))

With proper indexes set, this looks efficient, but in this day and age i suspect there must be some better way? Some better approach that is common enough but i am not aware of?

All queries on database will be SELECTs. Data insertion will be a one time process.

  • Define just one geometry column to be of a general GEOMETRY type and you can store all kind of geometries into it. Some clients like QGIS will have troubles because it can't handle points, lines, and polygons in a same layer but if you work inside PostGIS it does not matter.
    – user30184
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 6:59

2 Answers 2


I think you may have misunderstood the docs. A geometry collection is something of the form:


Just because you have a mix of multipoints, multilinestrings and multipolygons in the same geometry column doesn't make them a geometry collection. multis are not considered geometry collections either.

If you truly plan to have GEOMETRYCOLLECTIONs in your geometry column,

You can use ST_DWithin with a small tolerance or no tolerance. ST_DWithin works with geometry collections -


So replace your ST_Intersects with (0 or low tolerance)

ST_DWithin(a_geometry, point_geometry, 0);

  • i'll go back to the docs for a re-read but please help me straight this out. my column on database is of type geometry(GeometryCollection,4326), and one record there contains a mix of (multi)points,(multi)linestrings and (multi)polygons. Isn't that a geometry collection? If not what it is? Multipoints is not a geometry collection, but a mixture of multipoints and multilinestrings is a geometry collection? Am i correct?
    – Sharky
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 6:54
  • 2
    You want your column to be geometry(geometry, 4326) . The geometry subtype type is a catchall for any 2d geometry (including multies and geometry collection). GeometryCollection only supports things like GEOMETRYCOLLECTION. Yes the record with mix of multipoints etc. would be a geometry collection - but probably looks like GEOMETRYCOLLECT(MULTIPOINT(..), MULTIPOLYGON(..)).
    – Regina Obe
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 10:32
  • So you mean "a database which must be able to store (multi)points, (multi)linestrings and (multi)polygons.for each feature? In that case the both GeometryCollection and three separate geometries are good in theory.
    – user30184
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 23:48
  • You are right that a mixture of different geometries can only be stored as GeometryCollection. However, GeometryCollection doesn not need to be a mixture, this is also valid GEOMETRYCOLLECTION ( POINT ( -40 20 )).
    – user30184
    Commented Apr 18, 2016 at 23:56
  • for the record i went with geometry(geometry, 4326) as advised in your comment thanks!
    – Sharky
    Commented Aug 11, 2016 at 13:53

I think your plan to store each data subtype independently in a column is the right choice. As written in the book "PostGIS in Action", the use of the GeometryCollection subtype is not recommended: "In real-world applications, you should rarely define a data column as geometry-collection . Although having a collection is perfectly reasonable for storage purposes, using it within a function rarely makes any sense [...] You should be prepared to work with them, but avoid using them in your table design." (Obe R. and Hsu L., 2015).

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