So, the scenario is I have a situation where users can look up multiple tables worth of data, and want to view them in an aggregate fashion. Based on certain filters, I get a list of tables, then want them displayed on a map.
For the sake of everyone's sanity, I've put up a Fiddle with a working version:
It uses real table names (with test data) and a real account, and you can see it not functional.
Here's the main function in question:
createRawCartoMap = (layers, callback, options, mapSelector = "#global-map-container") ->
# Create a raw CartoDB map
# See
# @param array layers -> an array of sublayer objs for CartoDB
unless options?
options = new Object()
params =
user_name: options.user_name ? cartoAccount
type: options.type ? "cartodb"
sublayers: layers
# The CartoDB layer options
mapOptions =
cartodb_logo: false
https: true
mobile_layout: true
gmaps_base_type: "hybrid"
center_lat: window.locationData?.lat ? center[0]
center_lon: window.locationData?.lng ? center[1]
zoom: 5
## Leaflet Map Setup
leafletOptions =
center: [window.locationData?.lat ? 0, window.locationData?.lng ? 0]
zoom: zoom ? 5
unless geo.lMap?
lMap = new L.Map(mapSelector.slice(1), leafletOptions)
geo.lMap = lMap
lTopoOptions =
attribution: 'Tiles © Esri — Esri, DeLorme, NAVTEQ, TomTom, Intermap, iPC, USGS, FAO, NPS, NRCAN, GeoBase, Kadaster NL, Ordnance Survey, Esri Japan, METI, Esri China (Hong Kong), and the GIS User Community'
L.tileLayer('{z}/{y}/{x}', lTopoOptions).addTo lMap
BASE_MAP = geo.lMap
.createLayer(BASE_MAP, params)
.addTo(BASE_MAP, 1)
.on "done", (layer) ->
# It really should already be up from the array of sublayers provided, but sure, we'll try again
for dataLayer in layers
layer.createSubLayer dataLayer
if typeof callback is "function"
.on "error", (errorString) ->
# Error handling
Both the fiddle and the code above may have some detritus from the full script it was pulled out of.
I'm seriously at a loss. Everything I've read and seen seems to indicate that it should work, but it doesn't.