I am using ArcMap 10.1.
In the below image, I am trying calculate my XY_LINK field to return the values from Point_X and Point_Y field.
Example of final result: {2474785.499662}{376075.063004}
My code is as follows:
Output(!POINT_X!, !POINT_Y!)
def Output(POINT_X, POINT_Y):
FPX = round(float(X, 4)
FPY = round(float(Y, 4)
return "{%(FX)012.4f}{%(FY)012.4f}" % {'FX': FPX, 'FY': FPY}
The error I am receiving is as follows. (I am brand new to Python)
Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid. Error 000989: Python syntax error: Parsing error SyntaxError: invalid syntax (line 3)
I don't understand why the error is being returned on Line 3 and not like 2 also since they are the same with the exception of the X and the Y.