I am struggling with the AntPath Plugin ( link to GitHub ) for Leaflet and the documentation is limited and difficult to read. This setup works well(se code-snippet in the end), but instead I want to add multipolylines. To do that I must change it to:L.MultiPolyline.MultiAntPath(path) and modify JSON-file to my array of polylines.

The valid and working JSON-file for current polyline looks like this:

[[-3.748494, -38.460304],[-3.74845, -38.4603],[-3.7482748, -38.46086]]

But I want something like this(Example for 2 paths):

[[55.778659,12.151137  ], [55.779807,12.158085  ], [55.773663,12.163626  ], [55.769615,12.16311  ]], [[55.766945,12.158487  ], [55.767806,12.154152  ], [55.769787,12.150391  ], [55.772687,12.147922  ]]

How does the setup look like when adding multiple polylines with lat/lon in my new JSON-file (see 2 paths-example)?

    $http.get('newsingle.json').then(function (res) {
                path = res.data;

                L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.osm.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
                    attribution: '&copy; <a href="http://osm.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors'

                layer = new L.Polyline.AntPath(path);

            scope.$watch('options', function (opts) {
                if (layer !== null) {
                    layer = new L.Polyline.AntPath(path, opts);

1 Answer 1


Found the answer. This is an example of 3 paths in JSON:

enter image description here

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