I am new to ogr2ogr. Does anyone know if it is possible to loop through all shapefiles in a directory, clip and output them into an identical directory with a suffix "_clipped"?
I saw this similar question about converting all files in a directory. Problem here is that using this method I overwrite all my files. Using ogr2ogr to convert all shapefiles in directory?
I want to make a .bat script to execute the code. This is how far I've come. It works if I output to the same folders as input, but I want it to output to some other folder. The user enters a new folder name, to where the clipped files will be saved.
Here is the returned errors:
Error 1: Failed to create file .shp file
Error 4: Failed to open shapefile 'correct path'
set parent=%~dp0
set ogr2ogrPath="C:\Program Files\QGIS 2.16.1\bin\ogr2ogr.exe"
set /p inFolder=Enter the name of the root folder containing the shapefiles to clip:
set /p outFolder=Enter a new name for the folder to save the clipped files:
set /p xMin=Enter xMinCoord:
set /p yMin=Enter yMinCoord:
set /p xMax=Enter xMaxCoord:
set /p xMax=Enter yMaxCoord:
for /R %parent%%inFolder% %%f in (*.shp) do %ogr2ogrPath% -skipfailures -clipsrc xMin yMin xMax xMax %parent%%outFolder%\%%~nf.shp %%f