My organization has a asset management application using Google Maps Java API as the GIS viewer. The application does some simple editing/querying on a kml file through html form elements.
Instead of editing against the kml files, can the API edit/query against a WFS-T service (served by ArcGIS Server)?
If not, can I modify this OpenLayers WFS-T Using a GeoServer Hosted PostGIS (link below) Layerinstructions to edit against ArcGIS Server/SDE database/WFS-T?
//wfs-t editable overlay
var wfs_layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.Vector("Editable Features", {
strategies: [new OpenLayers.Strategy.BBOX(), saveStrategy],
//projection: new OpenLayers.Projection("EPSG:26910"),
protocol: new OpenLayers.Protocol.WFS({
version: "1.1.0",
// loading data through localhost url path
url: "http://localhost/geoserver/wfs",
featureNS : "",
maxExtent: mapextent,
// layer name
featureType: "wfst_test",
// geometry column name
geometryName: "the_geom",
schema: "http://localhost/geoserver/wfs/DescribeFeatureType?version=1.1.0&;typename=cite:wfst_test"