There are several feature how to grouped into categories depending on the feature?
id : "1"
lat : 88.777
lon : 88.777
name : "Name company 1"
cat_id: "12"
id : "2"
lat : 77.777
lon : 77.777
name : "Name company 2"
cat_id: "30"
id : "3"
lat : 99.777
lon : 99.777
name : "Name company 3"
cat_id: "12"
cat_id = name category
There are several features how grouped by category? Depending on the category feature.
the logic of something like that:
if(value['Category'] == '12'){
//put feature in a group of 12
else if(value['Category'] == '30'){
//put feature in a group of 30