There should be a simple way to convert a large raster to a csv or dataframe by reading the raster in as chunks, converting raster chunk to table of just three columns (x, y, and values), and outputting to csv or dataframe. I normally use something like the following in R but it only works for rasters much smaller than I'd like and I'd prefer to use python.
ras = readGDAL("Agroforestry_crop_setnull.tif")
rasdf=, row.names=NULL, optional=FALSE, xy=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE)
I have read about GDALs ReadAsArray and gdal2xyz, I do not know how to use ReadAsArray to get coordinates of pixels in the 3 column table I desire, although it does allow reading the rasters as chunks. gdal2xyz does not provide the raster values of the pixels and does not allow reading as chunks from what I have seen.
In the past I have made use of ArcPy, breaking up the rasters into pieces, converting to points, and adding the coordinates to the attribute fields, then exporting these tables. I am hoping there is a better way, similar to the R solution I posted but for python and big rasters.
Is there a suggestion on reading big rasters as chunks in the csv format I desire -3 columns (X,Y, value)?