I used the following code to create geography column using latitude, longitude
alter table [locate].[dbo].[BFLGeocodedResult] add geographyColumn as geography::STGeomFromText
('POINT('+convert(varchar(20),[Final Longitude])+' '+convert(varchar(20),[Final Latitude])+')',4326)
Also created Clustered Index and then tried to create spatial index using the below query
CREATE SPATIAL INDEX [BFLGeocodedResult_sidx] ON [locate].[dbo].[BFLGeocodedResult]
BOUNDING_BOX =(-90, -180, 90, 180))
when I run the above query I get the error
Cannot create primary xml, selective xml or spatial index 'BFLGeocodedResult_sidx' on table 'locate.dbo.BFLGeocodedResult', column 'geographyColumn', because the column is computed.