I have Ubuntu 16.04 with postgresql 9.6 postgis 2.3 QGIS 2.18 installed.
I am trying to install mapview
(R library) with no success because of sf defencency.
I had this output:
configure: GDAL: 1.11.3
checking GDAL version >= 2.0.0... no
configure: error: sf is not compatible with GDAL versions below 2.0.0
ERROR: configuration failed for package ‘sf’
* removing ‘/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/sf’
and this is what happened on the terminal:
$gdalinfo --version
GDAL 2.1.0, released 2016/04/25
$ gdal-config --version
I am wondering the following questions:
Which is the difference between gdalinfo
and gdal-config
Why does R say me that I have a GDAL
version less than 2.0.0
even if output of gdalinfo --version
is GDAL 2.1.0
How can I upgrade Gdal-config to one >= 2.0.0?
If I upgrade, will I have problem with postgresql, postgis Qgis or some other python module that use GDAL