I am making an exact (empty) copy of an existing featureclass using the following code:
public static string createFCCopy(IFeatureClass pFromFC, IFeatureWorkspace pToFWS, string sNewFCName)
IFeatureClass pNewFC;
pUID = new UIDClass();
pUID.Value = UID_FEATURECLASS; // UID_FEATURECLASS is a constant set to "esriGeodatabase.Feature"
sShpFld = pFromFC.ShapeFieldName;
pNewFC = pToFWS.CreateFeatureClass(sNewFC, pFromFC.Fields, pUID, null, pFromFC.FeatureType, sShpFld, "");
The problem is that the resulting copy does not have Measures and Z set like the original.
Is there a way of specifying the fields set that preserves the HasM and HasZ values in the Geometry Def?