I would like to have the border of the data frame to fit exactly the maps that are shown inside, so in other words, I want to get rid of blank spaces.

I know, this is possible by dragging the borders and moving the map inside the frame with the handle but I am looking for another option for layout purposes.

Is there a preset option for this ?

the frame I am trying to move

2 Answers 2


I use two more options, using the data in my maps to drive the data frame extent:

  • Clip the dataframe (help on this is here), here's a screenshot of how I set the dataframe parameter window: enter image description here

  • Fixed, rectangle extent matching the bounding box of an object in the map. (some limited help on this is here), here's a screenshot of how I set the dataframe parameter window: enter image description here

  • Thanks, it's the clipping part I was after. I had tried setting a fixed scale but this did only scale my map but not get rid of the blanks in the dataframe !
    – Oh-No
    Commented Aug 7, 2017 at 10:57
  • @Oh-No : Happy to hep! if you could please mark the answer as accepted, then, it would be great! Thanks!!
    – Hélène
    Commented Aug 8, 2017 at 7:04

You need to fix the extent by changing the scale from Automatic to Fixed Scale from the data frame first. To do that right-click the data frame in the layout view -> Properties -> Data Frame -> Extent -> change Automatic to Fixed Scale or Fixed Extent you can choose which one is easier for you.

enter image description here

In this example I chose Fixed Scale

enter image description here

Then you need to resize the frame to the desired size and use Pan to move the view to show/hide any portion of the map.

Before Fixing the scale:

enter image description here

Before Fixing the scale (Resize Frame and Pan):

enter image description here

  • What about rotation? My layer is also a little bit rotated, i followed your steps but when it fits it is a regular square, i want it even rotated. Commented Oct 27, 2017 at 15:58

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