Can't post code because of Fed policy, so I will ask the question here.
We are working on a series of polygon feature classes that are used to define large activity areas. These polygons are modified using arcpy such that activity exclusion areas are cut out of the larger polygon. To accomplish this end we are using arcpy.da.Editor(). The code works beautifully in a file geodatabase, but when executed in Oracle Spatial, it refuses to push edits from the delta tables into the 'A' table in Oracle Spatial. My first thought to a solution here would be to access the 'SHAPE@' object in the fGDB then convert it to a string and use an "UPDATE" command in Oracle SQL via ArcSDESQLExecute to push the edits to the 'A' tables.
Can anyone else come up with a better solution? Our DBA insists that this issue is on the code side and not a quirk of Oracle.