I have a materialized view in postgis with linear referenced roads and a table with boundaries.
I want to sum all lines per boundary based on 2 categories. For that: I add a column (tw) which defines the categorie (0 or 1).
I made following query:
case when t.tw = 1 then sum(st_length(t.geom)) end as traag,
case when t.tw = 0 then sum(st_length(t.geom)) end as snel
from gemeentegrenzen g
join (select geom, case when morf in (113, 114, 125) or (morf = 103 and type = 2) then 1 else 0 end as tw
from wegenregister.mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs) t on st_intersects(st_buffer(g.geom, 0), t.geom)
group by g.naam, t.tw
This takes me a few hours.
In QGIS I made a model that does exact the same things based on the same layers. This process takes about 30-40 minutes.
What is wrong with the sql-query?
when running explain:
"GroupAggregate (cost=243596190.39..245430994.97 rows=22176 width=283)"
" Group Key: g.naam, (CASE WHEN ((mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs.morf = ANY ('{113,114,125}'::integer[])) OR ((mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs.morf = 103) AND (mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs.type = 2::numeric))) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"
" -> Sort (cost=243596190.39..243858174.65 rows=104793704 width=283)"
" Sort Key: g.naam, (CASE WHEN ((mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs.morf = ANY ('{113,114,125}'::integer[])) OR ((mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs.morf = 103) AND (mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs.type = 2::numeric))) THEN 1 ELSE 0 END)"
" -> Nested Loop (cost=0.00..173759771.26 rows=104793704 width=283)"
" Join Filter: st_intersects(st_buffer(g.geom, 0::double precision), mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs.geom)"
" -> Seq Scan on gemeentegrenzen g (cost=0.00..62.08 rows=308 width=20402)"
" -> Materialize (cost=0.00..96126.77 rows=1020718 width=274)"
" -> Seq Scan on mv_wegsegment_wegverharding_lrs (cost=0.00..53144.18 rows=1020718 width=274)"
result? I don't think PostGIS is using spatial index withST_Buffer