I want to be able to create/extract subsets(or tiles) of map data to new layers so that I can export them as tileable jpegs. The tiling is important for my project. My strategy is to place a grid of rectangle Polygons on individual layers and use them to extract map subsets from an underlying Shapefile.
When I create a new project the CRS is set to WGS-84 EPSG-4326.
I have an underlying map - a Shapefile of building plots - when I import it, its CRS is set to CRS(EPSG:4326, WGS 84). My area is in Malmö, Sweden.
I then use the plugin quickWKT and paste a WKT file of a set of polygons: the file looks like this:
POLYGON((1449008 6180085,1449008 6163387,1414376 6163387,1414376 6180085,1449008 6180085))
etc etc...
(I have 9 polygons, 3x3).
The new layer created from these polygons is a shapefile layer (I think) and has same CRS as the project CRS and underlying layer. Now from what I understand, the coordinates used for these polygons are system RT90 and not WGS. The polygons do not map onto my underlying layer of house plots. They are far off in the distance.
Can anyone help me in a direction?