I am trying to find a way to combine multiple data points into one based on the same latitude longitude in a dataset. Basically too many labels appear for one point.
Example data
Name Latitude Longitude Time
John 12.34567 -12.34567 10:42 AM
Marley 98.76543 -98.76543 11:52 AM
Alex 98.76543 -98.76543 12:00 PM
Heather 12.34567 -12.34567 9:16 AM
Angie 12.34567 -12.34567 5:47 PM
I am trying to combine this is a way so that the time labels will appear as one for the same latitude and longitude points. Is there an easy automated way to accomplish this?
Example output
Name Latitude Longitude Time
John \n Heather \n Angie 12.34567 -12.34567 10:42 AM \n 9:16 AM \n 5:47 PM
Marley \n Alex 98.76543 -98.76543 11:52 AM \n 12:00 PM
It does not need to be in the above format with newlines. Just trying to think of ways to do this.