I am trying to vectorize a raster with tree coverage information. I classified the data in 3 categories and now I am vectorizing the raster to make calculations and intersecting it with other layers.
The problem is that after vectorizing almost all polygons have invalid geometries because of missing nodes in the intersections. I attached an image where you can see the problem in the arrows. The selected polygon has 2 missing nodes.
I cannot use any vector tool with the layer because of this.
I need to intersect this layer with other complex one, but as a trial I do with a simple temporary layer and I have the same mistake: Input layer A contains invalid geometries (feature 71). Unable to complete intersection algorithm. (I dont know where to check what is feature71).
When I run the Topology checker it gaves me hundreds of mistakes with no valid geometry.
I tried to check some of them and the only thing I find where the missing nodes, that is what I thought that was the problem.