How can I get a sequence of numbers 1,2,3,4 from the model below Is there any code I can use in Arcgis to do this in the field Calculator
179705 277537,5975 167114,8149 1
179705 277546,9257 167111,2111 2
179705 277541,5203 167097,2191 3
179705 277522,8641 167104,4261 4
179705 277528,2697 167118,4183 5
179705 277537,5975 167114,8149 6
179708 277458,3343 167031,5693 1
179708 277452,8895 167017,5923 2
179708 277443,5715 167021,2221 3
179708 277449,0163 167035,1991 4
179708 277458,3343 167031,5693 5
179712 277482,4411 167038,2495 1
179712 277476,9701 167024,3099 2
179712 277467,6521 167027,9397 3
179712 277473,1321 167041,9029 4
179712 277482,4411 167038,2495 5
179717 277543,0029 167128,8071 1
179717 277537,5975 167114,8149 2
179717 277528,2697 167118,4183 3
179717 277533,6747 167132,4109 4
179717 277543,0029 167128,8071 5
to format your data after pasting them into the question.