I have a list of addresses and I have geocoded into a shapefile in ArcMap 10.4. I've also made a raster that stores NDVI data (with water masked out as it will skew the values we are hoping to obtain later) within the area that the addresses lie. What I'm trying to do is take the list of addresses and calculate the mean NDVI value within a 250 m radius of each address.
So far, we have used buffer analysis to create a shapefile containing 250 m radius at each address and used the zonal statistics as table tool. The issue, however, is that some of the radii overlap - which the zonal stats tool doesn't know how to handle.
Additionally, we have tried using ModelBuilder to try to iterate over each polygon and calculate zonal stats individually, but when we do this the file will continuously keep overwriting itself with each input.
Finally, we found the spatial analyst supplemental tools that ESRI created, which includes the zonal statistics as table 2. This tool is supposed to have the same functionality as the original tool, but include a fix for overlapping polygons. We ran this tool and the output was exactly the same as when we ran the original tool - did NOT account for overlapping areas.
Last bit of info, python within our ArcMap does not work. We are unsure why at the moment. So, creating a script to do this is not option at the moment.
Does anyone have any suggestions or tips on how we could go about getting our data?