I can see 2 kinds of map in openlayers , default map class and ol.PluggableMap .

var map = new ol.Map({
    target: 'm_gmap_1',
    controls: []})

and pluggableMap = new ol.PluggableMap({
 target: 'm_gmap_1',
        controls: []})

could anyone please tell me difference

1 Answer 1


For an answer, you have to take a look at the PR (Pull Request) "Pluggable renderers" on OpenLayers repository.

You will see that it's to remove some dependencies in particular when you just want to use only one renderer (smaller build)

  • thanks , the reason why i have asked this question is , when i extent ol.control.control in my own class and tried to add custom controls , the setMap function is removing my control , and setMap function is accepting pluggable map , could you please take a look at this question gis.stackexchange.com/questions/285379 Commented Jun 6, 2018 at 11:07

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