I have written a python script which has two input vector layers (one point-layer and one line-layer). The outpout is another line-layer. But when I try too set the geometry for the new edge, the python script stopps and I get the error "minidump written to C".
Here is my python script code:
# name : MergeEdges_script
# date : 22.10.2018
# description: merges edges with the same edgeid
# and adds two attributes for speed limits on each lane
from qgis.core import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from math import degrees
EDGEID = 'edgeid'
FROM = 'from'
TO = 'to'
PRIORITY = 'priority'
LENGTH = 'length'
TIME = 'time'
ID = 'id'
VTO = 'vto'
VFROM = 'vfrom'
NODE1 = 'node1'
NODE2 = 'node2'
# input parameters
inLayerEdges = processing.getObject(Edges)
inNodes = processing.getObject(Nodes)
crs = inLayerEdges.crs().toWkt()
# get field indices for inputlayer
idxEdgeId = inLayerEdges.fieldNameIndex(ID)
idxPriority = inLayerEdges.fieldNameIndex(PRIORITY)
idxLength = inLayerEdges.fieldNameIndex(LENGTH)
idxTime = inLayerEdges.fieldNameIndex(TIME)
idxFrom = inLayerEdges.fieldNameIndex(FROM)
idxTo = inLayerEdges.fieldNameIndex(TO)
idx_id = inNodes.fieldNameIndex(NODEID)
idx_x = inNodes.fieldNameIndex(COORD_X)
idx_y = inNodes.fieldNameIndex(COORD_Y)
# Create output layer and specify geometry type
outLayer = QgsVectorLayer('Linestring?crs=' + crs, 'merged_edges', 'memory')
# Set the provider to accept the data source
outdp = outLayer.dataProvider()
# define attributes and add them to the vector layer
outdp.addAttributes([QgsField(EDGEID, QVariant.String),
QgsField(NODE1, QVariant.String),
QgsField(NODE2, QVariant.String),
QgsField(PRIORITY, QVariant.Int),
QgsField(VTO, QVariant.Double),
QgsField(VFROM, QVariant.Double)])
# get field indices for outputlayer
outEdgeId = outdp.fieldNameIndex(EDGEID)
outNode1 = outdp.fieldNameIndex(NODE1)
outNode2 = outdp.fieldNameIndex(NODE2)
outPriority = outdp.fieldNameIndex(PRIORITY)
outVTo = outdp.fieldNameIndex(VTO)
outVFrom = outdp.fieldNameIndex(VFROM)
listOfEdgeIds = []
count = 0
flag = 0
# loop through edges of inLayerEdges and merge
for feat in inLayerEdges.getFeatures():
# create new edge (line) for outputLayer
newEdge = QgsFeature(outLayer.pendingFields())
currentPriority = feat.attributes()[idxPriority]
currentEdgeId = feat.attributes()[idxEdgeId]
if currentEdgeId.find('From') == -1:
edgeIdTrimmed = currentEdgeId.replace('To', '')
edgeIdTrimmed = currentEdgeId.replace('From', '')
if edgeIdTrimmed in listOfEdgeIds:
# if current edge id already processed -> skip it.
#print "current edgeid already in list. Continue ..."
# if not, find all entries in the graph which share the same current edge id
# and merge them
newEdge.setAttribute(EDGEID, edgeIdTrimmed)
newEdge.setAttribute(PRIORITY, currentPriority)
node1 = feat.attributes()[idxFrom]
node2 = feat.attributes()[idxTo]
newEdge.setAttribute(NODE1, node1)
newEdge.setAttribute(NODE2, node2)
# search for specific from_node by nodeID
exp = QgsExpression('nodeID ILIKE \'' + node1 +'\' ')
request = QgsFeatureRequest(exp)
for feat2 in inNodes.getFeatures(request):
geomFrom = feat2.geometry()
print geomFrom
# search for specific to_node by nodeID
exp = QgsExpression('nodeID ILIKE \'' + node2 +'\' ')
request = QgsFeatureRequest(exp)
for feat2 in inNodes.getFeatures(request):
geomTo = feat2.geometry()
print geomTo
# find all entries in the graph with current edge id
exp = QgsExpression('id ILIKE \'' + edgeIdTrimmed + '%\' ')
request = QgsFeatureRequest(exp)
# loop through all egdes with the same current edgeids
for feat1 in inLayerEdges.getFeatures(request):
tempEdgeId = feat1.attributes()[idxEdgeId]
length = feat1.attributes()[idxLength]
time = feat1.attributes()[idxTime]
velocity = (length / time) * 3.6
if tempEdgeId.find("From") is not -1:
#print("Python found the string From!")
newEdge.setAttribute(VFROM, velocity)
elif tempEdgeId.find("To") is not -1:
#print("Python found the string To!")
newEdge.setAttribute(VTO, velocity)
print("Python did NOT find the substring!")
# add the feature to the layer
(res, outFeats) = outdp.addFeatures([newEdge])
# Add the layer to the Layers panel
print "Done ... "
With the help of printf-Debugging, I have figured out that the crash is caused by this line:
I have already deleted the .qgis2-folder and started qgis 2.18 anew. But without success.
Any suggestions?