To get the maximum ndvi
you could use qualityMosaic
function. To be able to know which image ID the pixel comes from is more complicated because as it is not a numerical property, you have to encode it some how. This is how I'd do it, but it's just one way, there could be other ways (may be easier)
l7 = ee.ImageCollection("LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_SR")
l7 = l7.filterDate("1999-01-01", "2018-04-30").filterBounds(geometry)
.map(function(image) {
var ndvi=image.expression('float(b("B4") - b("B3")) / (b("B4") + b("B3"))').rename('ndvi');
ndvi = ndvi.multiply(100)
return image.addBands(ndvi);
// add date band
var millis =
var days = millis.divide(1000).divide(60).divide(60).divide(24).toInt() // 86400000
var dateband = ee.Image.constant(days).rename('date')
return img.addBands(dateband)
// add PATH ROW band
var path = ee.Number(img.get('WRS_PATH')).toInt()
var row = ee.Number(img.get('WRS_ROW')).toInt()
var pathi = ee.Image.constant(path).rename('path')
var rowi = ee.Image.constant(row).rename('row')
return img.addBands(pathi).addBands(rowi)
// cast to Int
return img.toUint16()
// function to get the image ID from date, path and row
var get_id = function(date, path, row) {
var d = ee.Date(ee.Number(date).multiply(86400000))
var i = l7.filterDate(d, d.advance(1, 'day'))
.filterMetadata('WRS_PATH', 'equals', path)
.filterMetadata('WRS_ROW', 'equals', row)
return ee.Image(i.first()).id()
// apply qualityMosaic
var mosaic = l7.qualityMosaic('ndvi')
Map.addLayer(mosaic, {bands:['ndvi'], min:0, max:80})
// function to be able to print the image ID when clicking on the Map over the image
var click = function(coords) {
var lon = coords.lon
var lat =
var p = ee.Geometry.Point([lon, lat])
var values = mosaic.reduceRegion(ee.Reducer.first(), p, 30)
var date = get_id(values.get('date'), values.get('path'), values.get('row'))
print('ID on point', p, date)
, write some codeedit
options under the question)