Through the example provided by the examples section of the OpenLayers website I was able to replicate the overlay method of an image. But when I try to add a different raster, now present in the filesystem, I can not get the same result. The format of the raster is in PNG.
I'm trying to do something like this: Where I can overlay my own aerial images above a map (in example is OSM, but I will use Bing Maps in the beggining).
Other similar questions that did not help me:
- Using Custom Aerial Raster Imagery with OpenLayers 3 or 4
- Raster overlay in OpenLayers
- OpenLayers 4 adding a georeferenced image
- How to define layer order in Openlayers?
I'm using OpenLayers v5.3
JS code:
import Map from 'ol/Map.js';
import View from 'ol/View.js';
import {getCenter} from 'ol/extent.js';
import {Image as ImageLayer, Tile as TileLayer} from 'ol/layer.js';
import {transform} from 'ol/proj.js';
import Static from 'ol/source/ImageStatic.js';
import OSM from 'ol/source/OSM.js';
import {register} from 'ol/proj/proj4.js';
import proj4 from 'proj4';
var imageExtent = [591338.2230843633878976, -3835585.6850060112774372, 591735.8523469158681110, -3834804.7757325535640121];
var map = new Map({
layers: [
new TileLayer({
source: new OSM()
new ImageLayer({
source: new Static({
url: "/img/test.png",
crossOrigin: '',
projection: 'EPSG:32655',
imageExtent: imageExtent,
imageSize: [7953,15619]
target: 'map',
view: new View({
center: [-10997148, 4569099],
zoom: 4
Extent from raster was extracted from QGIS
The console shows no error and the image seems to load, but I can't find antwhere in the map.
center: [ 591338, -3835585 ]
in the view definition) do you see the image? If not, try switching coordinates - i always get coordinate order wrong, because it differs between GIS frameworks). Can you access the image file directly in a browser (via the URLhttp(s)://<yourserver, or localhost>/img/test.png