For the love of all that is good on this Earth does anyone have a fix for this? When I export my print composer map in anything greater than 120 DPI the street labels from the ESRI Transportation basemap shrink to unreadable sizes. This also happens with Google Maps layers and I'm going to guess others as well.
The above image is how it looks in the print composer, but when I export as a PDF in anything over 120 dpi (In this case 300) I get the following:
sooooooo tiny.
This just doesn't make much sense to me. Does anyone have a legitimate fix? I see some similar questions around here but with no good answers.
Also, fair warning, my experience with coding is limited to a college class that I dropped after 5 days... So please, if you have an answer, don't make it too complicated. I have seen stuff about XML files and XYZ tile thingies and none of that has worked for me.... I just keep getting blank basemaps and/or errors.
To anyone who can solve my issue: you will be rewarded with my undying gratitude.