I am trying to load a vector file to QGIS Python console.
v_layer = iface.addVectorLayer("G://Consultancy\Data\Transfer\Bodhi (Louis) Gorringe\QGIS\Shapefiles\Biological Shapefiles\Seabirds\At sea densities of gannet in the breeding season\710_br.shp")
Below identifies the error code I always get when I enter this script.
From looking at other examples online it seems that they add a bit at the end of the script within single quote marks ('). As seen in the image below in the red box.
I am aware this is specified for where they have saved their documents, but I am unaware of what the (') columns mean. I feel this is the reason why my vector layer wont load. Can anyone confirm, or know a reason why the vector layer wont loads?