I have a point buffer layer which represents tick occurrence and a polygon layer which represents landcover types (derived from Corine land cover). I want to define which point buffers (1km) fall within urban areas to define risk zones. I also want to do this for thresholds of temperature and precipitation (which presumably I'm going to interpolate as gridded and mask onto polygon) to define 'high-risk zones'. I’m quite NEW to QGIS so not sure how to approach this. I have tried using the intersect tool but that just selects all the points from the land cover layer.

enter image description here

Attribute table for points

enter image description here Attribute table for land cover

enter image description here

2 Answers 2


You can use Add Polygon Attributes to points tool under SAGA which will transfer the land cover field from the polygon attribute table to the points attribute table.

The tool is located under Processing toolbox -> SAGA -> Vector Points tools -> Add Polygon Attributes to points:

enter image description here

Make sure that both vector files have the same CRS.

Another option is to use Join Attribute by location tool and use Intersects as geometric predicates:

enter image description here


Select by attribute all urban areas from the landcover layer and export them to a new layer. Then select by position all buffers which intersect with the newly exported layer. Export the selected features to a new layer.

  • Thanks, can I do that for multiple 'urban' classes using an expression? Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 14:26
  • Sure you can. Ideally use something like "column-name" in ('class1','class2',etc). Though CORINE has got a superclass for all urban areas, hasn't it?
    – Erik
    Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 14:29
  • Yes it's called 'continuous urban fabric' but I'm combining other classes which relate to infrastructure (e.g.discontinous urban fabric) to make it less noisy by colour coding as I don't know how to merge the ID codes in the attribute table together. Commented Feb 1, 2019 at 14:36

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