When creating a geopackage with ogr2ogr in WGS84 (EPSG:4326), the srs-definition string cannot be interpreted correctly when loading the data into ArcGIS. ArcGIS does not project the data corretly into my local SRS. I found, that ArcGIS expects another string for the SRS. So I am trying to set the new string with ogr2ogr and using the -a_srs -Option, as suggested here:
Here is my command:
ogr2ogr -f GPKG test2.gpkg -a_srs "GEOGCS[^"GCS_WGS_1984^",DATUM[^"D_WGS_1984^",SPHEROID[^"WGS_1984^",6378137,298.257223563]],PRIMEM[^"Greenwich^",0],UNIT[^"Degree^",0.017453292519943295]]" test.gpkg
Inside the geopackage there is one line-layer, called "line_4326_gp". What am I doing wrong?
I retreive the string with this command:
gdalsrsinfo -o wkt_esri epsg:4326