I have 4 Shapefiles which basically have 7 important fields and are basically looking like:
| Name | Connection 1 | Con 2 | Con 3 | Con 4 | Con 5 | Value |
|Tab1_A| Tab2_A | Tab2_B | Tab3_F | - | Tab4_x | 10 |
So the first column contains the name of the polygon, the 2nd to 6th column contain Connections this polygon has with polygons from the other Shape-Files and the last column contains a value.
My Task is, to create a Raster, which contains the maximum sum of all values from connected shapes in one cell.
My current approach is:
- Convert the 4 Shapes into 7 Rasters each (one per collumn)
- 4 Raster Calculator: Tab1: Value + If(Con1 == Tab2.Name;Tab2.Value;0)+...
- Another Raster Calc: MAX(Raster1,...,Raster4)
My Problem is, that I cannot compare the Name-Raster and the Connection-Rasters, because the Name is not the Raster-Value, but an Attribute.
Is there any way to compare an attribute in the Raster Calculator, or do you have a better idea, how to solve this problem?