Is there a library available in Python 3.6 using which I could convert a GeoJSON object (geometry) into a bounding box object?

Actually I am calling a WMS layer from GeoServer and I want to set the bounds of the map to the bounding box of the requested polygon (WMS layer) so the only method I could figure out to get bounds of an individual polygon from geometry is to get the geometry of the polygon using a getfeatureInfo request of WMS service and then converting that geojson to bounding box at the backend.

If there is any other method that I could do to get the bbox of an individual polygon from geoserver using WMS service then please suggest it?

  • Using a WFS request with a filter is probably faster than a GetFeatureInfo request
    – Ian Turton
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 8:53
  • No I cannot use WFS request due to some security reasons
    – Gaurav
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 8:54
  • seems odd they didn't turn off the geojson getfeatureinfo then
    – Ian Turton
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 8:56
  • Actually they have provisioned the getfeatureinfo request and established a validation on propertyName
    – Gaurav
    Commented Feb 21, 2019 at 9:03

3 Answers 3


You can probably use the geojson package to handle the JSON parsing, then finding the min/max corners of the bounding box is something like:

import geojson

def bbox(coord_list):
     box = []
     for i in (0,1):
         res = sorted(coord_list, key=lambda x:x[i])
     ret = f"({box[0][0]} {box[1][0]}, {box[0][1]} {box[1][1]})"
     return ret

# obviously you need to parse your json here
poly=geojson.Polygon([[(2.38, 57.322), (23.194, -20.28), (-120.43, 19.15), (2.38, 57.322)]])
line = bbox(list(geojson.utils.coords(poly)))

which gives (-120.43 -20.28, 23.194 57.322) as a result.

  • If your polygon cross 180, -180 longitude this may not work. Lucky nothing "live" there
    – James
    Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 8:30
import numpy as np
import geojson

def get_bounding_box(geometry):
    coords = np.array(list(geojson.utils.coords(geometry)))
    return coords[:,0].min(), coords[:,0].max(),
           coords[:,1].min(), coords[:,1].max()

After extracting the coordinates with geojson.utils.coords as described in the existing answers, the bounds function of the shapely packages might be used:

from geojson.utils import coords
from shapely.geometry import LineString

def get_bbox(geometry):
    return LineString(coords(geometry)).bounds

geometry might be a parsed GeoJSON file, the bounding box is returned as tuple with 4 floats.

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