I'm attempting to use QGIS to convert a GeoJSON to DXF. The problem is that the GeoJSON import is distorted, with the latitudes compressed. This isn't just a problem with the screen's aspect ratio: the distortion carries through to the DXF.
Here's a sample GeoJSON: http://geojson.io/#id=gist:nkoren/8c26a440d9dcff96872b7e7743821803&map=18/51.50123/-0.14192
And this is what it looks like when I import it as a vector layer QGIS 3.6:
My assumption is that this was a projection problem, however, both the layer and the document itself are WGS84, as is the GeoJSON, of course. I'm a QGIS novice, so is there another place that I should be looking?
displays it in a different CRS (Web Mercator, 3857). When you choose on-the-fly projection to 3857 in QGIS, it will look the same.