I am attempting to import OSM road data using an SQL file generated by OSM2PO. However I keep getting the following error:

ERROR: out of memory
SQL state: 53200
Detail: Failed on request of size 1048576.

This would suggest there is some memory limit set in the config file to only 1MB. However, I have set my work_mem to 16MB and my shared_mem to 500MB in the config file and reloaded it, plus completely restarted the server. I have also tried manually setting the work_mem for the session.

The really annoying thing is that I have used this process to import a much larger dataset into PostGIS on a Netbook computer with considerably less physical memory. I vaguely remember having to tweak some setting to do it but for the life of me I can't remember what it was and the config file looks like the original factory settings!

So, if it is not the work_mem that is at fault, which setting should I adjust? (I'm using PostGIS 2 and Postgresql 9.1 on Windows 7 32 bit).

Many thanks!

1 Answer 1


Just an assumption:

osm2po builds blocks of 25 data rows per insert for performance reasons and to avoid memory issues. Do you import it in one single Transaction (parameter -1 or --single-transaction)?

  • I just loaded the SQL into pgAdmin and pressed 'Go', so I guess that counts as a single transaction. My inference from your comment its that I should do it from the command line as multiple transactions. Commented Sep 16, 2012 at 7:20
  • This is the reason. You had better used the psql commandline tool.
    – Carsten
    Commented Sep 16, 2012 at 7:21
  • Just did (well, psql from cmd actually) and it was mind-blowingly fast! Job done. Thanks. Commented Sep 16, 2012 at 7:43

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