Postgresql11 - postgis2.4
Here is a table mytbl with points and an attribute var :
geom | var
pt a
pt b
pt1 a
pt1 a
pt1 b
pt2 c
I want to "rotate" the table like this :
geom count(a) count(b) count(c)
pt 1 1
pt1 2 1
pt2 1
For now I have with...
select geom,
(case when var like 'a' then count(a) end) ,
(case when var like 'b' then count(b) end) ,
(case when var like 'c' then count(c) end)
from mytbl
group by geom, var;
...the result :
pt 1
pt 1
pt1 2
pt1 1
pt2 1
How can I "group again" the features with the same geom to get just one line per geom with all count ?