I want to draw a polygon from the below JSON data from a GeoJSON file. However I am confused about the coordinates array since I believed they corresponded to a latitude and a longitude. But clearly from the below example they are not valid longitude and latitudes.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[7634622.475699998, 1247905.0877999999],
[7634603.934699997, 1247985.6240000017],
[7634671.5713, 1248001.2551000006],
[7634660.179200001, 1247921.3847999983],
[7634622.475699998, 1247905.0877999999]
"properties": {
"Longitude": -73.520563459,
"Latitude": 45.522783335,
"CSDUID": "2458227",
"CSDNAME": "Longueuil",
"Data_prov": "Longueuil",
"Build_ID": "24582270000001",
"Shape_Leng": 301.838065514,
"Shape_Area": 4277.81119671
The below JSON from GeoJSON renders as a polygon since the coordinates point to a longitude and latitude. Do I need to parse the above JSON differently?
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"id": "osm-r554096",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [
[2.359211, 48.850304],
[2.359124, 48.850431],
[2.359173, 48.850497],
[2.359228, 48.850565],
[2.359262, 48.850612],
[2.359184, 48.850637],
[2.359174, 48.850628],
[2.359107, 48.85065],
[2.359087, 48.850657],
[2.35893, 48.85071],
[2.358843, 48.850597],
[2.358682, 48.850385],
[2.358608, 48.850288],
[2.358733, 48.850247],
[2.358837, 48.850213],
[2.358871, 48.850213],
[2.35891, 48.850213],
[2.359022, 48.850247],
[2.359211, 48.850304]