I had downloaded some data from https://nsidc.org/data/SPL2SMAP_S
The description of the data is given in the page.
Using an earthdata login, one can download the data.
The data consists of *.xml
and *.h5
Before downloading the data i selected the region as is seen in the picture above.
I tried
gdal_translate -of GTiff HDF5:"SMAP_L2_SM_SP_1AIWDV_20200103T012207_20200103T010733_073E32N_R16515_001.h5"://Soil_Moisture_Retrieval_Data_3km/water_body_fraction_3km out.tiff
This output tiff when projected in QGIS was off
I am looking for water_body_fraction_3km
I need help in creating a georeferenced tiff file (raster) containing this value.