I have a BigTIFF file that I need to split into tiles with a set tile size and overlap. I have a script for this using PIL
tile_height = tile_width = 1000
overlap = 80
stride = tile_height - overlap
def crop(infile, tile_height, tile_width, stride, img_dict, prj_name):
im = Image.open(infile)
img_width, img_height = im.size
print(img_width * img_height / (tile_height - stride) / (tile_width - stride))
count = 0
for r in range(0, img_height-tile_height+1, stride):
for c in range(0, img_width-tile_width+1, stride):
#tile = im[r:r+100, c:c+100]
box = (c, r, c+tile_width, r+tile_height)
top_pixel = [c,r]
img_dict[prj_name + "---" + str(count) + ".png"] = top_pixel
count += 1
yield im.crop(box)
img = Image
img_dict = {}
# create the dir if it doesn't already exist
if not os.path.exists(img_dir):
# break it up into crops
for k, piece in enumerate(crop(infile, tile_height, tile_width, stride, img_dict, prj_name), start_num):
img=Image.new('RGB', (tile_height, tile_width), (255, 255, 255))
image_name = prj_name + "---%s.png" % k
path=os.path.join(img_dir, image_name)
#add a json file with all image names and geospatial metadata
full_dict = {"image_name" : infile,
"image_locations" : img_dict,
"crs" : str(dataset.crs)
with open(img_dir + '/data.json', 'w') as fp:
json.dump(full_dict, fp)
I can't use PIL on my other rasters, as they are "BigTiff" files and not supported in PIL. I am looking for a way to translate this script into another module keeping these exact parameters. I need the parameters and naming methods to stay exactly the same as I'm using these tiles for a deep learning model that I have already created.
I have never used something like GDAL before, but I've read that this may be my best bet for Big TIFF tiling? I would really like to find a way to do this in Python.